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Leadership Database - How to Get the Most from Employees
By Wesley Ford
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill.
Leaders are charged with getting the most from their workforce. This is also one of the leader's greatest challenges. There are three things that are often overlooked by leaders because 93% of the time leaders operate on automatic pilot. Their behavior is second nature and awareness of thought and deed are not foremost in their mind.
Oftentimes leaders expect individuals to perform to a specific standard, uphold specific values, contribute to the organizational culture and conduct business in a particular fashion. Leaders often get disappointed and frustrated when employees fail at any one of these functions. Many times the employee is blamed for their shortcoming.
What is a leader to do?
First: Leaders must realize that employees are similar to a database. There is a techie phrase for databases that states "garbage in equals garbage out." A database will only give you back what you put into it. It may have the capabilities of presenting it in many different fashions, but it's still the same data. Leaders will get out of employees what they put into them. How much do you or are you willing to invest in those you lead?
Second: Realize that the values you reward are the behaviors you can expect. The hard truth is that your employees are a direct reflection of your leadership or the lack thereof. You set the example, the tone, and the standard for professionalism in your organization. The manner and level of professionalism they see before them on a daily basis is what they will adapt as the organizational norm.
Third: Train your workforce to the specific standards you and the organization have set forth. Consistently remind and reinforce employees of the organization's values. Organizational values have value. We've all heard the phrase, inspect what you expect. Routinely follow up with workers to evaluate and gage their understanding, adoption and fit within the organization's culture. What are you willing to give?
Download your free eBook copy of The Soldier's Method: Leadership Tactics for Business by visiting
Wesley Ford is known as That Value Guy. He is a leadership, retention and technology expert, professional speaker and consultant who helps develop your leadership skills while getting employees to retain you.
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