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Are Your Goals Specific And Strategic?

By John Tebar

Generally when one is asked to set goals, you are asked to be specific. That is all well and good, but is it strategic? You want to make sure that even if you are specific enough that you goal is also strategic enough to support your ideal.

It happens to a lot of people. They set a goal let us say to make more money, but then it doesn't serve any purpose. It is like looking at just more than specific goal. You want to make a million dollars, what for? What is the relationship to your goal and your business? Does your goal fit into your long term strategy? If you want or need is to get married. What is the strategy here? Is it because you want to have a relationship that is permanent? Don't short sell your goal. If it is love then there are numerous steps to take before you arrive. You need to date first, find the spouse of your dreams; you need to be in alignment with your spouse on your long term goals, children etc.

You see in this example you want to get married but you want a long lasting marriage. Your goal would not be to get married your goal is to establish a long term relationship. When you put this in the proper perspective you can see that the strategy the thought and actions behind obtaining a long lasting relationship is a lot bigger and more discerning than just getting married. This is another reason why so many people fail to reach their goals. If you noticed anything you would notice that the choice of having a long lasting relationship is a much bigger goal than just getting married.

This is something that you have to think about. A goal is defined as the end result of what you want. It is the process that we go through to get to a goal which makes us who we are in character. Having ambitious goals is a good thing, yet having strategic goals is one step better. Just looking at this relationship example when you get married, you now have to work on making it long lasting. You should see that this view (perception) is much more strategic and it guarantees a better chance at success. Don't shortcut yourself, by trying to hone in a goal by the use of less words. You want to make sure that not only will you get to where you want to go, but that it also keeps you in check so that you maintain and grow more.

If you want to grow your business or have better fitness, you must set a goal that will exceed its achievement. Let us say you want to lose 20 pounds. What you really want is to be trim and fit. We can get specific as to weight and measures, but wouldn't it be better if the goal was "to be in the best shape of your life." That would take a little more doing than just to get your physic back. You would have think more about your overall condition instead of just your extra pounds. When you make a statement such as "Best Shape of Your Life." Immediately you think of what it would take, how long it will take, what would you need to know, what routines will you have to establish and you must set up benchmarks along the way. When you do hit that goal, it would be natural to think if one can do even better. Of course you would start to seek more ways of getting into better shape and health. That of course will start to spill over to other things in your life and other goals.

It isn't enough to be specific, though that is good, being strategic and having your goals align toward a bigger mark is going to get you more excited and more thoughtful. If the goal is big enough, you will see that the goal starts to dictate a need for strategy and that is when you know you have the right one.

John Tebar Certified Life Coach, Author, Entrepreneur sign up for mailing list at contact site has been redesigned with free Ebooks and Additional articles.

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