stty consulting › our future

Information & News

New Corporate Branding

At the beginning of 2006 stty consulting will be going through a complete re-branding exercise to reflect the changes in the attitudes and market. We have always been concerned with the wellbeing of our team and the environment, but this year we shall focus more of our attention assisting community and social projects. The Yorkshire yoga centre is the first business to gain from the new approach, as we have been providing free advice and consulting to this 'Not for profit' organisation. We are hoping that this will help us to create a brighter and more prosperous future.

Fresh Delevopment Looming

Over the holiday period the thinking caps have been on and a few alcohol induced brain storming sessions have yielded a few ideas for the development schedule. Obviously we can't supply any details at present as this could either jeopardize the project or may after extensive research prove to an unviable product. As soon as we are able we will post more news.

Short Articles

  • MISWeb - A web site dedicated to IT Managers & Director
  • Sun Micros - Sun Microsystems, the inventors of Java.
  • Open Office.Org - Open Office is worth looking at as an alternative to MS Office
  • Oracle - Major database and application supplier
  • DoubleClick - On-line Advertising Specialist